Thank you to all of our customers who have given feedback. Your opinions are very valuable to us as we strive to better serve homebrewers everywhere. Cheers!
“The ZChiller is the by far the best chiller for homebrews! I typical do a small pre-chill on my wort for a whirlpool hop stand. Then I chill from 160 to pitching temp in one pass with low water usage. It’s fun to watch your brew buddies pickup the chiller be blown away by the weight and craftsmanship! with hop pellets and this chiller, my last 10 gallon batch used 10 oz of pellet hops and it ran perfect without a filter!!”
** “I am so proud of this chiller I have even taken it to my local club to show it off!”
“I love it and more then happy with my purchase.”
– Dustin Wandtke (Paradise, California)“I recommend ZChillers! Cut my brewing time down by 45 minutes. My beer is also clearer due to cold break.”
Click on picture to see full image.“Worked like a champ. Got 10 gals of wort from 212 to 75 in 7 minutes. Cut the time from 12 minutes with both mashes compared to my immersion chiller. I have no doubt it would have gotten down to ambient water temp (58 F) in a couple more minutes but I like to pitch my yeast at 75 F.”
– Tony Martincic (Chicago, Illinois)“We just used our Large ZChiller this weekend. What a fantastic piece of equipment! We chilled 10 gallons of IPA from near boiling to 82°F in about 15 minutes. Saved a ton of time and water!”
“Big shout out to our friends over at ZChillers! We used our large ZChiller for the first time this weekend and were absolutely FLOORED by the results. Near boiling wort chilled to 82°F practically instantly. If you’re not satisfied with your chiller get one of these!”
– Yerba Buena Brewing (East Bay Area, California)“I did have a chance to use my ZChiller – that thing is a rockstar – I’m a big fan! I used standard garden hose water (not sure what temp – but it was July – albeit a colder July for us) and I had to speed up the flow of wort because it was coming out of the chiller at 66! To give some comparison I used my standard small immersion copper chiller on some half batches I did inside and that thing will normally take about 15 minutes in the winter – the last couple brews it was taking 25-30 minutes because the last 4-6 degrees were taking a long time to get down to 72. Thanks for making a completely awesome product – I have no regrets for purchasing it!”
– Craig Sisk (Kalamazoo, Michigan)“I had a chance to test out the ZChiller this weekend on a 10-gal batch of Oktoberfest. The performance was nothing short of amazing. It was at least as fast as my old plate chiller (about 8 or so minutes from boil to 70F in my whirlpool), but I could run the pump at full speed into the whirlpool without any fear of clogs!
I am currently using a hop/trub filter to protect my chiller from gunk (, but on the next batch I am thinking about taking that off just due to how much easier the ZChiller has made the cleaning process. I am also very excited for the next IPA I do since flameout hops is not something easily achieved with a plate chiller (they would all just immediately go into the filter), but after this weekend I am confident that it shouldn’t be a problem with your chiller.
Thanks again for all your help, not only have you made a great product but you went above and beyond to help me find a solution to getting this working in my system.”
– Jarrod Brown (South Lyon, Michigan)